For 60 years, our mission has been to enrich the life and health of our consumers with high quality and nutritionally balanced products.


For 60 years, our continuous concern is to create an environment conducive to development and for our employees. Our organizational culture, mission and values ​​have been shaped over the years around the company’s most important resource – human resources.


Just as generation after generation we have preserved the traditional recipes and authentic Romanian products, in the same way we pass on to new generations of colleagues the experience and expertise gained in the 60 years of existence.


At Dobrogea we build for the future and invest in the new generations, thus encouraging young people at the beginning of their journey through various internship, practice or dual education programs. The success of the company lies in the entrepreneurial spirit that we find in the entire Dobrogea team, in the creativity and openness to new things of all our colleagues.


In every department of the company you will find dedicated people whose experience will help you quickly integrate into the Dobrogea team and family.

Come to the Dobrogea team!


Internship requirements: student starting with the third year of the bachelor’s or master’s degree; studies in relevant fields: Business, Finance, Commerce, Accounting, Food Industry, Computer Science; competent in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint); Demonstrated interest or experience using one or more programming languages ​​is an advantage; excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills; the ability to meet project deadlines, to approach problems logically and to establish priorities; teamwork skills; very good knowledge of the English language;

Aplica acum pentru intership


    Below you can see the list of available jobs:

    Lucrator depozit

    Your Role

    • You will be responsible for checking the temperature and correctness of the data in the transport documents before loading the trucks;
    • You will assist the drivers in loading the trucks, you will properly mark the pallets for shipment and you will control and scan the remains after loading;
    • You will control, receive and coordinate the downloads of returns from stores;
    • You will sort and process recyclable materials and auxiliary means;
    • You will be responsible for ensuring cleanliness standards at warehouse level;
    • You will periodically inventory pallets, as well as other types of packaging;
    • You will provide support in organizing and carrying out inventory in the warehouse.

    Foloseste formularul de mai jos pentru a aplica la acest job:

      Project Manager

      Your Role

      • You will be responsible for checking the temperature and correctness of the data in the transport documents before loading the trucks;

      • You will assist the drivers in loading the trucks, you will properly mark the pallets for shipment and you will control and scan the remains after loading;

      • You will control, receive and coordinate the downloads of returns from stores;

      • You will sort and process recyclable materials and auxiliary means;

      • You will be responsible for ensuring cleanliness standards at warehouse level;

      • You will periodically inventory pallets, as well as other types of packaging;

      • You will provide support in organizing and carrying out inventory in the warehouse.

      Foloseste formularul de mai jos pentru a aplica la acest job:

        Apply spontaneously

        Haven’t found any vacancies? Apply spontaneously:

        Aplica spontan