Created especially for the bake-off area, merdenea with cheese is the right snack for your customers looking for a hot snack.
Merdenea with mushrooms 120g
Created especially for the bake-off area, merdenea with mushrooms is the right snack for your customers looking for a hot snack. Even on fasting days.
Merdenea with ham and cheese 130g
For customers looking for a consistent and delicious snack, we created the new merdenea with ham and cheese especially for the bake-off area.
Merdeneaua with ham and cheese is suitable as a snack at any time of the day.
Mini merdenea with sweet cheese 100g
Created especially for the bake-off area, the mini merdenea with cheese is the right snack for your customers looking for a hot snack.
Mini merdenea with pumpkin 100g
Mini merdenea with pumpkin is specially designed for the bake-off area of your store.
Offer your customers a warm, delicious mini snack at any time of the day, even on fasting days.
Mini merdenea with apples 100g
The unmistakable taste of the mini merdenea with apples is now also available in the bake-off version for your store.
Offer your customers a warm, delicious mini snack at any time of the day, even on fasting days.
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